

Updates from Jengo

June 2023

Correspondence from Jengo

Am writing to thank Gay prince for always making sure that I am in good conditions as we are pursuing our education. I managed to finish my tuition fee!

May 2023

Correspondence from Jengo

Hey hope this email finds you well am writing thanking for the rent money which I payed for three months thanks to the the Gayprince project!

I remained with some balance which I used for transportation last week.

Now I am still struggling to find some money for food and transport. Thank you so much for your continuous support.

I always appreciate it!

April 2023

Correspondence from Jengo

Hey good evening we managed to finish up our last semester and we are supposed to resume next month

March 2023

Correspondence from Jengo


I hope this finds you well. I'm writing this email to you prince for financial assistance! I am requesting funds to cover my transportation and accommodation. These funds will be used for school projects and assignments. I hope I receive positive feedback since I will be lucky to attend it. We are very proud to be part of the Gay Prince Projects. 

May the lord reward you abundantly